Opera 15

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Opera 15

Post by jonwallace »

Normally at this point, I would extoll the virtues of the latest release of Opera and shake my head sadly wondering why you lot don't use it. But no more.

Opera 15 is :censored:.

Far from being the foremost example of a lean, mean browser that needs no steenkin' add-ons to give it superlative functionality (that was 12.15, some people say 10.54), it is now a useless, Chromium-based pile of garbage, that doesn't even have bookmarks!!! Now I've come to expect the short-sighted lack of menus that modern browsers have stolen from Android, but this is going too far.

While Opera 15 was a work in progress (it's not easy switching rendering engines in a browser), it was barely acceptable as a technology preview, but as a release is is laughable.

My current choice (trying some out for size) which gives most of the functionality (but not so much of the configurability) is the Firefox-based Palemoon (Windows only) with 6 (yes SIX) add-ons to recreate my out-of-the-box Opera experience.

I'll continue to watch Opera and I'll keep you posted (unless enough people send donations to stop me...)

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Re: Opera 15

Post by HansV »

What a sad story...
Best wishes,