inibit click event in combobox

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inibit click event in combobox

Post by sal21 »

In the click of a combobox I have a routine that starts a

while not. eof


this cycle is verylong.

How can I inhibit a second click on the combobox until it is completed on the first event?

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Re: inibit click event in combobox

Post by HansV »

Declare a variable at the top of the module:

Code: Select all

Private blnExit As Boolean
In your event procedure:

Code: Select all

Private Sub ComboBox1_Click()
    If blnExit Then Exit Sub
    blnExit = True
    ' your code here
    blnExit = False
End Sub
where ComboBox1 is the name of the combo box.
Best wishes,