Exit calling Sub

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Exit calling Sub

Post by VegasNath »

I am trying to split monster sub routines out into individual components for ease of maintenance, creating smaller routines with a master caller. If a called routine had an exit sub statement, I would also need to exit the calling sub. How would I achieve this? Would I replace the exit sub statement with some sort of GoTo handler? Is there a "best practice" approach to this type of procedure?
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Re: Exit calling Sub

Post by HansV »

You could change the smaller procedures (subs) to functions that return a boolean,
Return True if the function finishes normally, False if you need to quit.

Code: Select all

Function Part1() As Boolean
  ' Function will return False by default
  If ... Then
    Exit Function
  End If
  ' If we get here, return True to indicate success
  Part1 = True
End Function

Sub Whole
  If Part1 = False Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
End Sub
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Re: Exit calling Sub

Post by StuartR »

Best practice for this is to return a status to the calling procedure, which is checked when you return. The calling procedure can then return the same error status to its caller, etc.

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Re: Exit calling Sub

Post by VegasNath »

Thanks Gents. :cheers:
:wales: Nathan :uk:
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