Despite having both a desktop PC and a laptop for many years I've never bothered to try and access one from the other, mainly because the laptop has always been a lower spec. machine than the desktop. Now though the reverse is true, my new laptop is superior to my desktop machine. Given that I thought it might be interesting to see if I could access stuff (like all my photos) that are on the desktop PC from the comfort of my sofa. I've had mixed success.
It seems that my desktop PC only appears in File Explorer on the laptop if I:
1) run 'services.msc'
2) find 'Function Discovery Resource Publication'
3) restart that service
even though that service has a startup type of 'Automatic (delayed start)' and says it is running.
Any suggestions?
networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
I have had this problem through many updates. I have a BAT file that runs from task scheduler whenever I log on.
Code: Select all
ping -n 2 -w 1000
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
I'm guessing the ping is some sort of pause?
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
Yes the ping is a two second pause.-n 2 says do it twice. -w 1000 says wait 1000 milliseconds for a response is a private IP address which I don't use on my home network (I suspect nobody does)
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
Thank you for the extra detail.
I've created a task to run an identical BATch file...
I've created a task to run an identical BATch file...
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
...and it hasn't helped.
At the moment, on my desktop PC the laptop is shown under Network in File Explorer but the desktop machine is MIA. While on the laptop top, neither the laptop nor the desktop are shown under Network.
Whereas, earlier this afternoon both machines showed both machines and Everything Was OKTM
I might just not bother, this is looking like waaay too much hassle.
At the moment, on my desktop PC the laptop is shown under Network in File Explorer but the desktop machine is MIA. While on the laptop top, neither the laptop nor the desktop are shown under Network.
Whereas, earlier this afternoon both machines showed both machines and Everything Was OKTM
I might just not bother, this is looking like waaay too much hassle.
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
You need to run that batch file on BOTH systems every time they restart.
- PlatinumLounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
Yes - PING's "-n" parameter indicates "the number of seconds to wait - 1", so "-n 2" would cause a wait of 1 second.
The most common form of a wait (here of 6 seconds) without any console output or other action is
PING -n 7 > nul
Actually, PING sends 'n' packets to the indicated IP address, separated by (very approximately) 1 second. Thus 2 packets would be separated by a single second, 11 packets would be separated by 10 seconds. I hope I don't need to say why the local IP address is used...!
John Gray
I advise you not to follow my advice.
I advise you not to follow my advice.
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
The 'NET STOP FDResPub' is giving an 'access denied' error on my Win 11 Pro laptop. I'm the only user on that machine and I have admin rights.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
Tell task scheduler to run the bat file with full privileges
- Panoramic Lounger
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Re: networking win 10 desktop & win 11 laptop
OK, I'll try that.