Dealing with =CLIENT errors

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Dealing with =CLIENT errors

Post by ChrisGreaves »

What do you say to your clients and end-users?

It is over 20 years since I told a international waste disposal firm that CIRCular errors in the budgeting spreadsheet sent to 729 department offices was a no-no.
Today I am dealing with an engineering firm whose VP's maintain that they are "not sure having DIV/0 or value message is so bad".
I struggle to point out that by the time {your favorite spreadsheet processor here} reports an error, it is a real error; that end-user's shouldn't ever see a DIV/0!, VALUE, NUM or NULL error.
DIV/0! is particularly grating because it stems from mathematics, the universe etc.; and is not based on a spreadsheet world at all.
"Before computers, there was Div/0!"(*)

There is a need for a mantra that can convince all but the most useless client to work towards error-free spreadsheets.

(*) Chris Greaves July 3rd 2010
By definition, educating the client is the consultant’s first objective

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Re: Dealing with =CLIENT errors

Post by Leif »


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Re: Dealing with =CLIENT errors

Post by HansV »

"Obey Serve Love Excel"

Excellent! What a great mantra!
Best wishes,