Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

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Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Hi All,

I am a huge fan of FREEWARE. :grin: Why pay for something when you can get reasonable quality for free!!

I would (hopefully) like this thread to become a place that compiles a good list of applications and programs that are COMPLETELY FREE (and without ad-ware and spyware). If this thread takes off, and if I can get some participation in it, it would be a great resource for getting access to tried and tested freeware that has a rating (from us) that can be trusted. In order to do this I would like to request that when you post a freeware program in this thread, please follow these simple guidelines...

1. It must be a program that you have installed and worked with recently (in order to give fair and honest comments about it)
2. Provide a safe/trusted link where the program can be downloaded

Many thanks for your input, co-operation and willingness. If this thread will be a great resource for ALL of us in this lounge.


This list has grown to 16 pages and within its contents are some really useful (as well as tried and tested) FREE software that is recommended (to most degree) by loungers. Thanks to a bright idea and the enthusiasm of BobH who inspired a spreadsheet compilation of all the software, he (and to a lesser extent, myself) put together the following attachment that allows one to more easily review, sort, filter and located the software of choice in this thread. All the software listed is still valid and available. We have done our best to ensure the links to each post and to the downloads work, but please inform us if a link is broken or if there is any error within the attachment. Lastly, please note that the software, though recommended by loungers can come packaged with malware and junkware, so we caution you to take vigilance when installing any of the listed software, and ensure that you avoid the packaged software during the install process (generally by selecting custom installation and denying the prompts for additional software withing the packaged installer).
THE LIST: Edited June 2016:
-- Added tips and useful links
-- General update on the spreadsheet file
-- Added Mouse Utility recommended by stuck
-- Added Privacy and Antispy tool recommended by Hans
-- Added MailStore Home recommended by stuck (Ken)

Best Free Software Rated by Loungers June-16_v.1.xlsx
Since we do not control the software or the packaging of it, the Lounge and it's members do not take any responsibility for the software referenced in this thread and the attachment or for any infections, damage, loss of information or any other issue related to the software or installation thereof on your PC. You use it at your own risk.


Let me be the first to start...

1. SYNCBACK (Ver:3.2.20)
2. Links:
Easy Download Site:" onclick=";return false;
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Last edited by Rudi on 03 Sep 2015, 04:26, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »


This is one of the best file renamers that I have ever come across. It provides almost every conceivable option to rename multiple files, showing previews of the names before you hit the button. It also pre-warns of any naming conflicts before the rename process.
1. ReNamer (Ver:5.50)
2. Links: Easy Download Site:" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by TonyE »

I will limit myself to 2 free utilities that I use all of the time and consider to be essential tools:

7-Zip" onclick=";return false;
The UI may be basic, but it does all I need for a file archiver. I find it quick, easy to use and it fully integrates with file managers via the context menu.

Notepad++" onclick=";return false;
I consider it to be one of the best notepad replacements / source code editors. It makes editing source code much easier due to the syntax highlighting. It has a wealth of features, and is expandable through the use of free plugins.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by jonwallace »

I was going to limit myself to two like Tony, then I thought better of it. Software I use every day include:
OpenOffice at" onclick=";return false;
Irfanview at" onclick=";return false; Don't forget the plugins.

Then of course, the combination I used to post this
Opera (browser) from" onclick=";return false;
Ubuntu netbook OS from" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by HansV »

In arbitrary order:

Microsoft Security Essentials - install and forget; unobtrusive and effective security software.
Download from Virus, Spyware & Malware Protection | Microsoft Security Essentials.

TreeSize Free - find out what takes up all that space on your hard disk (the free version doesn't work with network shares).
Download from JAM Software - Windows Freeware.

K-Lite Codec Pack - enables you to play almost any audio/video in Windows Media Player. There are several versions, from Basic to Mega. For most users, Basic will be sufficient.
Download from Download K-Lite Codec Pack.

CCleaner - it's a good idea to clear temporary files, your browser cache etc. from time to time. CCleaner lets you do this with one or two mouse clicks, or even automatically. Also includes a modest (and safe) registry cleaner.
Download from CCleaner - Builds (the "Slim" version doesn't include the optional Yahoo toolbar that comes with the free version.)

Foxit Reader - view PDF files; a small and fast alternative to the bloated and intrusive Adobe Reader. Comes with a version of the Ask Toolbar that is required for some features, but those aren't essential, and you can decline the toolbar during installation.
Download from Foxit Reader - Reviews and free Foxit Reader downloads at

MalwareBytes AntiMalware - effective scanning and removal of spyware.
Download from Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware -
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Here are some more EXCELLENT freeware that I use regularly on my PC. I can vouch for every one of these apps.

Ashampoo Burning Studio Free
Ashampoo Burning Studio Free is a full featured CD/DVD/Blu-Ray burning suite that enables you to create data, music, video and audio discs. You can also create backups that span across multiple discs, rip music tracks from Audio CDs and create or burn disc images in ISO or BIN/CUE format.
Download: Ashampoo Burning Studio 6

Audacity 1.2.6
Audacity is a free audio editor. You can record sounds, play sounds, import and export WAV, AIFF, and MP3 files, and more. Use it to edit your sounds using Cut, Copy and Paste (with unlimited Undo), mix tracks together, or apply effects to your recordings.

FileMenu Tools 5.7
FileMenu Tools lets you customize the context (right-click) menu of Windows Explorer. The application adds built-in utilities to perform operations on files and folders and adds customized commands that let users run external applications, copy/move to a specific folder or delete specific file types. With FileMenu Tools, you also can customize the "Send to..." submenu and enable/disable context-menu commands added by other applications.
Download:FileMenu Tools 5.7

TrueCrypt 6.2
TrueCrypt is an open-source encryption software that enables you to create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a virtual disk, that can be accessed via a drive letter. Any file that is stored on this virtual drive is automatically encrypted on-the-fly, and can only be accessed while the drive is mounted with the correct password or key.
Download:TrueCrypt 6.2
Truecrypt is no longer being maintained by the developers. If you visit the Truecrypt web site you will see that it says.
WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues

It is recommended that people use Veracrypt instead. This product started with the published Truecrypt code base, and improved some of the weaker security features. It is fully supported, but is still free.

Glary Utilities
Glary Utilities Free includes a variety of system tools that can help you clean your PC from junk files, remove Internet traces, find invalid registry entries, manage startup programs, optimize system memory and more. The program also includes a disk space inspector to locate large folders and files, as well as a Context Menu Manager, that enables you to disabled unused right-click options for files and folders. Other features include and Internet Explorer Assistant, a Privacy Shredder for secure file deletion and an encryption tool.
Download:Glary Utilities

Zip Genius
ZipGenius is a powerful zip tool that offers support for more than 20 different compression formats, including 7zip, ZIP64, UPX and many others. It supports drag and drop, 5 compression levels, full customization and integration in Windows Explorer. The program also comes with a built in FTP client that allows to download and upload files from within the software. The signature features allows you to add your signature and contact information to any zip file you create. ZipGenius also supports the creation of self-extracting exe files, complete with custom setup launch and icon.
Download: Zip Genius
Last edited by Rudi on 29 Jul 2015, 18:05, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by HansV »

Here's another one that I use:

Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) - scans your computer for vulnerable and outdated software, and provides links to updates if available.

  • Secunia PSI scans all folders, so it may detect older versions of software in archive folders; since those versions will never be run, they don't pose a security risk. If you don't need the archived version, you can remove it, otherwise you can tell Secunia PSI to ignore it in the Settings tab (you need to switch to Advanced mode to see this tab).
  • When you install Secunia PSI, it sets itself up to start automatically with Windows, so that it continually monitors the installed software. If you don't want this, you can turn off autostart in the Settings tab (again, in Advanced mode), and run a scan manually from time to time.
Download from PSI - Consumer - Products.
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

PhotoScape 3.4
Photoscape is a fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.

Key Features - I have ITALICIZED the key features I have used and enjoy!
Viewer: View photos in your folder, create a slideshow
Editor: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming
Batch editor: Batch edit multiple photos
Page: Merge multiple photos on the page frame to create one final photo
Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo
Animated GIF: Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo
Print: Print portrait shots, carte de visites(CDV), passport photos
Splitter: Slice a photo into several pieces
Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it
Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color
Adding text to pictures: Add text to any pictures and manipulate the text as needed
Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode
Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG
Paper Print: Print lined, graph, music and calendar paper
Face Search: Find similar faces on the Internet

The Filters in this application are excellent to. Adding dozens of effects onto photos. VERY easy to use!!


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

FotoMix v.6.1.1 - The Free Photo Manipulator.

The easiest way to mix and manipulate your photos.

This is great freeware to combine photos to create merged images...very interesting difference in photo manipulation in a simple program.

FotoMix is a versatile program that allows you to mix and manipulate different pictures, to create a wide variety of images.
- Remove, add or alter backgrounds.
- Add or remove your loved and not so loved ones from your pictures.
- Design eye-catching photo collages, illustrations, wallpapers, CD and DVD covers, and miscellaneous Web graphics.
- Create photo montages by combining multiple pictures.

Download from here
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by diegol »

Everything Search Engine: Locate files and folders by name instantly. A real time-saver.
  • Small installation file
  • Clean and simple user interface
  • Quick file indexing
  • Quick searching
  • Minimal resource usage
  • Share files with others easily
  • Real-time updating
Link:" onclick=";return false;

Sequoia View: analyze disk space allocation visually via "cushion treemaps".
Standard treemaps often lead to thin rectangles. We have developed a new method to display files : Squarified treemaps. The screen is subdivided such that rectangles approach squares as closely as possible.

Link: ... quoiaview/" onclick=";return false;

Karen's Replicator: a nice, easy-to-use, backup tool.
Automatically backup files, directories, even entire drives! Karen's Replicator copies selected files from one drive/folder to another. Source and Destination folders can reside anywhere on your network.
Options include repeated copies at intervals as short as a few minutes, or as long as several months, copy only files that have changed, and the replication of folder and file deletions.
New features allow you to specify which files should not be copied, and also which days a job should be skipped!

Link:" onclick=";return false;

FileBox eXtender: two nice features:
1) add an "always on top" button to (most) every application;
2) adds a list of recently used folders to quickly pick from in "save as" and "open" dialogs.
But take a look at the website for more details.

Link:" onclick=";return false;

:argentina: Diegol

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Hi guys,

I thought it'd be a good time just to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. I have discovered a few good new freeware finds due to your links. I hope that this thread will live on a little longer so I (and we :grin:) can pick up some more useful and trustworthy pieces of freeware out there.


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by HansV »

Here are a few more:

FastStone Image Viewer - image browser, converter and editor with nice interface; includes lots of tools.
Download from FastStone Image Viewer (portable version available).

And since jonwallace mentioned Opera, two other free browsers:

Mozilla Firefox - open-source browser; lots of add-ons available.
Download from Firefox web browser.

Google Chrome - minimalist interface, optimized for JavaScript.
Download from Google Chrome.
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Samantha »

My recommendations are quite specialized, but I know of at least one Lounger who might be intersted:

yWriter - free novel-writing software by Simon Haynes, an experienced programmer, published author and fellow NaNoWriMo participant.
Download the latest version from SpaceJock Software - ywriter5

In fact, even those of you who don't write novels might want to check out Simon's other free programs at Spacejock Software, named after Hal Spacejock - the main character in several of Simon's novels. I'm particularly fond of RMP (Remind me Please), yTimer & yBook, and I desperately need time to finish inputting my library into Simon's BookDB.

Celtx - for script-writing software, I use the free version of Celtx. Although in the interest of full disclosure, I discovered very quickly that my literary talents, such as they are, lie more towards novel writing -- writing a screenplay or script takes an entirely different mindset, one that I definitely have not mastered.
Download Version 2.7 from Celtx

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by tomyrush »

I use a lot of PDF's and there are two suites that I use exclusively

FOXIT PDF editor - free version works great - indefinite evaluation period. Free version puts watermark in upper right hand corner of pages Depending on your application - it is not too obtrusive." onclick=";return false;

PDFil PDF Free Tools
Merge PDF's
Split or reorder pages
Encryption options
Rotate or crop pages
Reformat multiple pages
Add HDRs and footers
Add watermarks (text or Image)
convert Images to PDF's and vice versa
PDF Form field operations
Convert Postscript to PDF's
Add PDF Info
Scan directly into Image or PDF
Create transparent Images

The PDFil group also has a free PDF writer and a free image writer

The PDFil Editor costs US$19.95 but it is well worth the money - check web site (I am slowly converting all of my editing here)
for graphic examples" onclick=";return false;


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

I have since gone back to Outlook since I upgraded to Office 2007, but before that, I was using Essential PIM (Personal Information Manager), to keep myself organised. I can vouch for this program if you want some sort of organizer for appointments, tasks and contacts. It is an excellent program if you are not using Office or any other purchased PIM.

This program has payable version, but the FREEWARE version id excellent all in itself. I can most definitely recommend it!


What is EssentialPIM?

PIM stands for Personal Information Manager, and it allows you to keep all your information in electronic form. All your appointments, tasks, to do lists, notes, contacts and email messages are stored in a graphical and easily accessible form.

Main Features:
- Tools to satisfy your calendar, contact management, to do list, notes and email needs.
- Synchronization with Outlook, Windows Mobile devices, Palm, iPOD, Google Calendar.
- Simple printout of any or all modules and quick export of your data into the most useful formats (iCal, vCard, HTML).
- Strong data protection using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.
- Intuitive interface in many languages including German, Italian, French and Spanish.

Home page here:
Download EssentialPIM Free 3.5 here:

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by tomyrush »

Belarc Advisor

This is a package that is free for personal use. The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.
It also builds a section about all of your software licenses and keys - if it can decipher them.

I found this especially helpful in rebuilding my system from scratch after a major poblem.
I make a copy in a pdf and keep it handy.

Download The Belarc Advisor" onclick=";return false;


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rebel »

System Information for Windows is another great (and free) tool. SIW will display (or print) a very detailed and comprehensive report of software, hardware, and network information. The software also includes a few very useful tools. The user also has the choice of downloading a version which requires installation, or a standalone version which requires no installation.
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by HansV »

Note: At Rudi's request, I've removed his post about Beneton Movie GIF and all replies to it from this thread, because the developer's website currently doesn't have a good reputation.
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Goshute »

:jollyroger: I'm interested in recommendations on freeware disk defragmenters for NTFS?
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by tomyrush »

I use " defraggler"
from" onclick=";return false;