Why don't fonts work?

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Why don't fonts work?

Post by jmt356 »

Why is it that in Word 2003, when I select certain text and apply any font ending in UPC, the text font does not change but rather remains in Times New Roman? Examples of fonts that are not applying include:
- AngsanaUPC
- BroaliaUPC
- CordiaUPC
- DilleniaUPC
- JasmineUPC
- LilyUPC

Other fonts that are not having any effect include:
- Estrangelo Edessa
- Latha
- Levenim MT
- Mangal
- Miriam
- MT Boli
- Raavi
- Rod
- Shruti

Why is this??

Also, why does AcadEref have some letters, such as "a," which are twice the size of other letters, such as "m," and yet other letters like "x" that appear all distorted?


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Re: Why don't fonts work?

Post by HansV »

The fonts that you mention contain Latin characters in the standards position but also include characters specific to an Asian language - for example AngsanaUPC and BrowalliaUPC are for Thai, and Mangal is for Hindi (Devanagari).

AcadEref is intended for use with AutoCAD, not for general text.
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Re: Why don't fonts work?

Post by jmt356 »

Thanks Hans.

Are all "UPC" fonts for Asian languages?

Why does one of my laptops have Palace Script as a font and the other does not, even though they both have Office 2003 installed on them?

Is it safe to assume that all of the fonts that do not work on my computer are either programmed to work for some foreign language or for another program such as AutoCAD?

What is AIGDT font? It displays a series of strange symbols on my computer.


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Re: Why don't fonts work?

Post by HansV »

Fonts come with Windows, with Office and with various other software, and you can download/install fonts yourself, so the number of installed fonts varies from computer to computer.

AIGDT is associated with AutoCAD, like AcadRef.
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