UDF Issue

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UDF Issue

Post by adeel1 »

Hi All

why Function isn't working and i also want to know how i can trouble shoot it in UDF

Code: Select all

Option Explicit
Function sum_color(a As Range, b As Range) As Long
Dim v As Long
Dim c As Range

For Each c In a

 If c.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = b.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex Then
 v = v + c.Value
End If
Next c

sum_color = v
End Function
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Re: UDF Issue

Post by HansV »

DisplayFormat cannot be used in a UDF - it causes an error as you have found.
Your conditional formatting rule highlights a cell if its value is greater than 2, so you can simply use


If you want to troubleshoot a UDF:
- Click in its first line: Function ...
- Press F9 to set a so-called breakpoint.
- Switch to Excel.
- Click in a cell with the function in its formula.
- Press F2 then Enter.
- The code will pause at the line with the breakpoint.
- Each time you press F8, one instruction will be executed.

In your UDF, you'll see that code execution end abruptly when you try to execute the line with DisplayFormat.
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Re: UDF Issue

Post by adeel1 »

thx for info, does below line also will not work in any UDF, way back i have also issue with this might be this will cause.



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Re: UDF Issue

Post by HansV »

FindFormat cannot be used in UDFs either.
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Re: UDF Issue

Post by adeel1 »

yes, thx i just tested the way you told, much thx for info :thankyou: :thankyou:


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Re: UDF Issue

Post by SpeakEasy »

Ah - but we CAN use DisplayFormat in a UDF. Just takes a teeny bit of redirection ...


Code: Select all

Option Explicit

' Example UDF
Public Function GetDispFormat(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    GetDispFormat = ReallyGetDispFormat(myrng)
    ' Alternatively, we could ignore the helper stub, and evaluate the proxie function directly
    ' GetDispFormat = (Evaluate("GetDispFormatproxie(" & myrng.Address() & ")")
End Function

' Interim stub function
Private Function ReallyGetDispFormat(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    ReallyGetDispFormat = Evaluate("GetDispFormatProxie(" & myrng.Address() & ")")
End Function

' Proxie function that we can Evaluate so no error raised
Private Function GetDispFormatProxie(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    GetDispFormatProxie = myrng.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function
Your UDF would then become:

Code: Select all

Function sum_color(a As Range, b As Range) As Long
    Dim v As Long
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In a
        If ReallyGetDispFormat(c) = ReallyGetDispFormat(b) Then
            v = v + c.Value
        End If
    Next c
    sum_color = v
End Function

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Re: UDF Issue

Post by HansV »

Best wishes,

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Re: UDF Issue

Post by adeel1 »

SpeakEasy wrote:
18 Oct 2022, 11:26
Ah - but we CAN use DisplayFormat in a UDF. Just takes a teeny bit of redirection ...


Code: Select all

Option Explicit

' Example UDF
Public Function GetDispFormat(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    GetDispFormat = ReallyGetDispFormat(myrng)
    ' Alternatively, we could ignore the helper stub, and evaluate the proxie function directly
    ' GetDispFormat = (Evaluate("GetDispFormatproxie(" & myrng.Address() & ")")
End Function

' Interim stub function
Private Function ReallyGetDispFormat(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    ReallyGetDispFormat = Evaluate("GetDispFormatProxie(" & myrng.Address() & ")")
End Function

' Proxie function that we can Evaluate so no error raised
Private Function GetDispFormatProxie(ByVal myrng As Range) As Double
    GetDispFormatProxie = myrng.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function
Your UDF would then become:

Code: Select all

Function sum_color(a As Range, b As Range) As Long
    Dim v As Long
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In a
        If ReallyGetDispFormat(c) = ReallyGetDispFormat(b) Then
            v = v + c.Value
        End If
    Next c
    sum_color = v
End Function
really appreciated and much thx for this :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: , i will be back if i have a question for understanding this...

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Re: UDF Issue

Post by DocAElstein »

This Thread sparked something in my possibly not quite normal / "out of whack lateral thinking head"….
What Adeel wanted here is something near to totally opposite to what was wanted and solved by me a few years back here:
https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18445
http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic. ... 03#p280303
( I hesitate to say what ( I thought ) I was doing there, as it makes smarter people hate me and want to kill me, and I have not figured out that one yet – my ignorance as usual again I expect )

Ignoring for now what that solution there is, or is not doing, 3 issues there and here seemed similar to me, at least to my warped way of thinking:
_1) Something is not working from inside a UDF when used in a spreadsheet , something that otherwise works, (for example if the function is used in normal coding).
_2) A sudden abrupt termination, without an error, in the step ( F8 ) debug mode code execution.
_3) The thing not working is generally “wired” to interact with things in cells in a spreadsheet. In other words when used in a formula in a spreadsheet it don’t work. ( I am not sure if the definition of a UDF is like when you use it in a spreadsheet)

So I investigated, as I like to do :)
I just took the simplified final solution, ( ( https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18452 )
) , and kept it in its general form, but modified so as to making it do close to the opposite of what ( I thought ) it was doing.
That made DisplayFormat work in a UDF, or may be I should say used in a UDF formula in a spreadsheet. I am not quite sure what is correct to say.

Applied to Adeel’s original issue, it gives these 2 solutions.

Solution 1
This is a bit of an in between solution, more out of academic interest.

Code: Select all

 '   '   From  Adeel  spreadsheet    '  =sum_color(D6:G15;C17)    '    http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=300075#p300075
' First thing
Function DoSomeColor(ByVal RngA As Range, ByVal RngB As Range) As String
 Evaluate "='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'!DisplayFormatUDF.SomeColor(" & RngA.Address & ", " & RngB.Address & ")"         '
' Evaluate "SomeColor(" & RngA.Address & ", " & RngB.Address & ")"  ' Shortened version relying on default
End Function

' Second thing
Sub SomeColor(ByVal RgA As Range, RgB As Range)
Stop  '  It wont
Dim Vee As Long, Sea As Range
    For Each Sea In RgA
        If Sea.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = RgB.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex Then
         Let Vee = Vee + Sea.Value
        End If
    Next Sea
 Let RgB.Offset(1, 2).Value = ""
 Let RgB.Offset(1, 2).Value = Vee
End Sub
Share ‘DisplayFormatInUDFAdeel1.xlsm’ https://app.box.com/s/5nvqh5r8pggc11ulz4lti3yhk39b9wda

That UDF put in a cell, =DoSomeColor(D6:G15,C17) , actually puts the result in a different cell. That seems to give the correct result of 54 Image

Full story here: https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18453
https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18454


Solution 2 (Final Solution)
This does exactly what was wanted, as far as I can tell. ( I just tweaked solution 1 very slightly, - it was actually a lot easier than I was expecting )
Put this in a normal code module in Adeel’s original file.

Code: Select all

 '   '                          https://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2831-UDF-that-can-change-values-in-cells-other-than-the-cell-in-which-the-UDF-is-used?p=18456&viewfull=1#post18456          https://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2831-UDF-that-can-change-values-in-cells-other-than-the-cell-in-which-the-UDF-is-used/page2#post18456
' First thing
Function DoSum_Colour(ByVal RngA As Range, ByVal RngB As Range) As String       '    From  Adeel  spreadsheet    '  =sum_color(D6:G15;C17)    '    http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=300075#p300075
 Let DoSum_Colour = Evaluate("Sum_Colour(" & RngA.Address & ", " & RngB.Address & ")")
End Function
' Second thing
Function Sum_Colour(ByVal RgA As Range, RgB As Range) As String
Dim Vee As Long, Sea As Range
    For Each Sea In RgA
        If Sea.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = RgB.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex Then
         Let Vee = Vee + Sea.Value
        End If
    Next Sea
 Let Sum_Colour = Vee
End Function
The UDF you want to put in a cell is then =DoSum_Colour(D6:G15,C17)

Share ‘DisplayFormatInUDFAdeel2.xlsm’ https://app.box.com/s/zpusmzv7f6ygz4bpduypvklc79rlflv9

Full story here: https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18455
https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18455
https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.p ... #post18456

( There seems to be some similarity going on with all that and what SpeakEasy did. I need to look at all that in detail with a clear head and it might help me understand a bit better what my solutions are doing, (Then people may stop wanting to kill me, when I say what I think I was doing, Lol!) )

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Last edited by DocAElstein on 22 Oct 2022, 11:48, edited 1 time in total.
I seriously don’t ever try to annoy. Maybe I am just the kid that missed being told about the King’s new magic suit, :(

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Re: UDF Issue

Post by SpeakEasy »

>some similarity going on

Alan - your solution is pretty much exactly how mine works.

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Re: UDF Issue

Post by DocAElstein »

I think whatever “thing” it is that I am doing ( which I’m not sure myself what it is** ), I do once, and your coding does it for every wanted use of the DisplayFormat

** I did a long explanation attempt at what the thing is that I am doing a few years ago. I rarely understand any of my theories later, but I think it is something to do with evaluating the name of something has a similar effect of calling it but somehow does that in some way a bit more isolated than doing it by a normal procedure call. Back then I was not interested in the evaluating bit giving me anything back. I was not sure it would until I tried today: I thought it might get lost somewhere. I had not tried that before and that is the new bit I did to get the Solution 2. Solution 1 was closer to what I had been doing before which was to set off a sub routine, not a function, to do something that the UDF did not want to do directly. I do realise that Evaluate generally returns something – I do that all the time in normal coding. But back then I had some abstract ideas about trying to do something like setting off older Excel 4 macro things by calling a named range. So I was doing like
Evaluate “Full reference path name of something”
, rather than
x = Evaluate(“ “)
I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone. It doesn’t to me always.
I seriously don’t ever try to annoy. Maybe I am just the kid that missed being told about the King’s new magic suit, :(