I am asking what experience others have had with obtaining and using operating system discs.
Also I am looking for some advice over my current experience with a computer dealer that is making me a bit nervous.
I am not talking here about trying to install a new system. I am only interested in routinely re installing my present operating system..
The story is this:
For a couple of Months I have been thinking about getting a new computer or Laptop. Over the past few years I have often had problems with viruses, computer being slow, bogged down with unwanted stuff etc.. etc..
I am clued up from the threads here on all the cleaning, security software etc.. etc.. I have some limited experience and success cleaning, running virus checkers etc. etc._...
One piece of advice I have often had along the way from experienced computer people is to reinstall the Operating System. ( I do realize this means that all data and programs I install will be lost, - this is acceptable to me)
In fact some professionals say they keep as little as possible on their computer, and then regularly re install the Operating system ( and then necessarily re – install some programs ) as a matter of course.
This seems like a good idea to me. – “Wipe the slate clean and be done with it”. The problem is that I have never had any operation system discs supplied with any computer I have bought over the last few years, even when were new.
Furthermore , all the local dealers and all the dealers in internet that I have spoken to say that operating system discs have not been supplied with new computers for many years.
I finally took the plunge and bought this laptop a couple of days ago:
http://www.ebay.de/itm/391669185869?ul_noapp=true" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I spoke previously to the seller, who told me “...On the desktop is the recovery folder (if deleted you will find it also in your own files). In this folder, the recovery DVD for Windows 7 and the folder with software and drivers are stored. To burn the Windows 7 DVD, double-click on it and insert a DVD for burning. The folder with software and drivers should also be burnt to DVD or copied to a USB stick…..”
This turned out to be rubbish, - no such data existed.
I wasted most of yesterday in communication with him. Eventually I ended up with ( from a combination of what he told and what he forgot to tell me ) in making a Recovery disc. After adjusting the computer to “look at the disc drive first on starting” , what happens is that if this disc is in then the system re boots from that instead. But it does not re install any software.
He just sent me an Email saying …”…. You can download a Windows 7 DVD from our server under the following link and thus delete and reinstall the entire hard disk:
http://www.laptopia.de/download/bs/W7PRO.iso" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; …. “
I am trying to download that now on a disc on the new computer and an external hard drive connected to my existing computer. It started, but is telling me it needs a few hours to do it. I do not know what or how I should use it finally. It sounds a bit dodgy to me downloading an operating system? I thought these things should be paid for? I am going to re ask the dealer now what I should do with it. On past experience I will probably get an answer in a few hours or on Monday saying something like “ re – install your operating system with it “ !!

I have a Month in which I can theoretically send the computer back and get a refund. I am considering that.
So I asking what experience others have with obtaining and using operating system discs?
And also what experience they have of re-installing their existing Operating system?
How did you get your discs, ( or do you have the Operating system stored on something else? ).
What is your opinion of the experience am having with the dealer currently. Does it sound a bit dodgy to you? Do you think I should stick with it or send the thing back and start looking for a computer again , being more insistent on getting the operating discs up front?