Extended display default

Jeff H
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Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

I have another Win11 question. How can I make "Extend these displays" the default setting when using 2 monitors?

When I first got my current 2nd monitor (about a year ago), that setting was the default. Then one day I changed it (I forget what I changed it to). After I went back to Extend, it now frequently resets itself to "Show only on 2". I have to go to the second monitor in order to manually change it to Extend.

Looking it up online, it sounds like simply ensuring that display one is "My main display", then setting it to Extend These Displays should make that setting the default. But it hasn't worked that way.

Reviewing the problem just now, before posting, I see that in Display settings, when I click "Detect other display", it says "We didn't find another display." But when I click Identify, it correctly finds and identifies displays 1 and 2.

- Jeff

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Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

On the Main Display access the Display Settings Dialog Box and configure it there.

If the Display Settings Dialog Box is on the Extended Display the "we didn't find another display" will result.

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Ok. It's true that every time it comes up with "Show only on 2", I've accessed the Display Settings from the second monitor. This time, while the setting was still in Extended Display, I brought it up on monitor 1, changed it to Show only on 1, then closed the dialog, reopened it, and changed it to Extended. I think that's what you meant.

It's been an intermittent issue so I won't know if it worked for a while, but if it seems to work I'll report back.

Thanks jolas.

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Thanks for the suggestion, jolas, but unfortunately it didn't work. Not sure if I did exactly what you suggested.

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Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

Try this. On your Main display access the display setting.
Drag the rectangular representation of the 2nd display to the left of the blue main display.

An Apply button will appear. Click it to apply the setting.
Drag it back if your display configuration is not is the original arrangement. Click Apply again.

See if it works.

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Ok, I just tried it. I'll report back.

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Sorry to say, that one didn't work either. I just reconnected to the second monitor after taking the laptop elsewhere and it came up "Show only on 2".

I suppose this requires a registry edit, but I don't consider myself competent to play around in there. In the end, this is just a minor inconvenience. I was hoping there was a simple fix, but I guess not.

Thanks for your suggestions, though, jolas.


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Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

What if you set it to duplicate and reboot a couple of times just to see if this set up will stick. Then revert back to extended all the while following the steps when setting up a dual display.

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Ok, I'm tentatively pleased. I think that last one worked. I set it to Duplicate and rebooted. Then I set it to Extend on display 1. I didn't reboot again but I did use the laptop elsewhere without the second monitor, came back and the setting stuck. I'm not certain that covers all the variables, but I'm hopeful.

I gotta love your persistence. Thanks jolas! If I don't re-post on this thread, that'll mean it worked.

- Jeff

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Well, jolas, I'm very sorry to report that when I got back to my desk just now the display had again reverted to Show Only On 2. Don't know if you have any further suggestions, but you certainly gave it your best shot.

- Jeff

Posts: 206
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 23:58

Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

Uninstall any Display device listed under Monitor in the Device Manager.
Unplug your 2nd monitor.
Once logged in connect the 2nd monitor.
Reconfigure your dual display setup.

Posts: 206
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 23:58

Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

Some laptop BIOS have gpu priority selection. You may want to check that as well.
Your graphics may have a control panel to setup multi monitor that could override Windows setting.

Or using scheduled task to Easily set Windows to start on a designated monitor every time you start windows/log in

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Whew! Ok, I'm game. It might take me some time to get to these two methods, but I'll report back when I do.

- Jeff

Jeff H
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Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Well, jolas, it took me a while to have a chance to try that reconfiguration but I finally did yesterday. I'm sorry to report that, although it worked for a day, I just now reconnected to the second monitor again and the setting had reverted to Show only on 2.

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Re: Extended display default

Post by jolas »

How about desktop shortcut using displayswitch.exe.

Create desktop shortcut on your laptop desktop containing displayswitch /extend

It is double click away to extend display mode.

Jeff H
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Joined: 31 Oct 2017, 20:07

Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Hey, that's pretty cool. Great work around.
Once again, thanks for your time and persistence. I was ready to give up, but I like this solution.

- Jeff

Jeff H
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Joined: 31 Oct 2017, 20:07

Re: Extended display default

Post by Jeff H »

Just dropping a note to let you know that I had my first occasion to use your displayswitch /extend link and it worked like a charm. Very easy. Thanks again!!