Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
Rudi wrote:...flash drives...
:rofl: Great catch Chris... I always take a flash drive when I get into my car...

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Who’s On My Wifi

Post by Rudi »

Easily Detect Unknown Devices on your network
Free Windows Scan Screen
Adds Visibility Easily see all devices on your network
Be Alerted Receive an alert when intruders join your network.

How does Who’s On My Wifi work?
Proactive Detection
The Who’s On My Wifi Desktop Agent will show you every computer on your network.
You are then able to tag KNOWN computers.
Who’s On My Wifi will then sit in the background constantly monitoring your network looking for any device it finds that hasn't been tagged.
If Who’s On My Wifi finds any UNKNOWN computers, it alerts you to the problem immediately instead of finding out after that fact that someone was on your network.

See the home page here:
Download for free here:

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by BobH »

Hi Rudi!

I downloaded and installed whoisonmywifi. I was surprised at the number of hits. I was able to identify some of them but not others. Can you suggest a way to use the MAC addresses to identify the others?

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

BobH wrote:Hi Rudi!

I downloaded and installed whoisonmywifi. I was surprised at the number of hits. I was able to identify some of them but not others. Can you suggest a way to use the MAC addresses to identify the others?

This is one of the days with I'm the bug and not the windscreen.
Hi Bob,
I installed the app myself, but at work, and still have not had chance to test it out on my wifi at home. I am currently on my iPad at the moment. However, I did a bit of digging and can provide these web links that will assist you in attempting to identify the device, or at least the vendor of the device... I will be testing the devices on my wifi too when I have my PC up and running and start digging into the list on my router.

See these pages:
-- ... ce-by.html
-- ... ss-network

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by PaulB »

Bob, you may also want to check out this recent CNET article.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Dave Davison »

Having just burried XP I am now having to again download afresh all the freebies I have come to cherish ovee the years and at the top of list must be "Revo uninstaller" which I endeavoured to acquire from this link suggested near the beginning of the thread ... nload.html However, when I tried to install it (twice) both tiems there seemed to be a hurdle when it reached 95 percent and would not finalize. Is there an alternative free link from where the said prog can be downloaded please? Regards Dave.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

You did try this button, not so?
This is the original to get downloads from the host site than other places.
If I do go to other places, its usually these three...
2. ... aller.html
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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks Rudi.......used the first one and worked perfectly.......cheers Dave.

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Re: Who’s On My Wifi

Post by IMNetUser »

Rudi wrote:Easily Detect Unknown Devices on your network
Free Windows Scan Screen
Adds Visibility Easily see all devices on your network
Be Alerted Receive an alert when intruders join your network.

How does Who’s On My Wifi work?
Proactive Detection
The Who’s On My Wifi Desktop Agent will show you every computer on your network.
You are then able to tag KNOWN computers.
Who’s On My Wifi will then sit in the background constantly monitoring your network looking for any device it finds that hasn't been tagged.
If Who’s On My Wifi finds any UNKNOWN computers, it alerts you to the problem immediately instead of finding out after that fact that someone was on your network.

See the home page here:
Download for free here:
Got around to downloading and installing on the home network. VERY impressive - Thanks ! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

All devices were identified including the 3 smart phones, one "Visiting" tablet and a "Roaming" iPad.

I am adding this application to my toolbox of utilities. :chocciebar: :cheers:

:whisper: One of my Goddaughters was visiting with her parents and left her iPad turned on in her luggage - it was "Found". Mama told her to leave it at home :blush: OOPS !!!

Edited 20140802 ~0910 Hours CDT to fix BBC tag and spelling.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by hougs »

Well, the only device I can see is the router and my own computer although there are three other computers (one is a tablet), four smartphones and a television set connected...


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

It sounds about right. You don't actually want to see too many entries...that would be suspicious.
If you think it is not right, ensure that the settings are using the routers ip address and then set the upper and lower scanning limit eg: to (or similar).

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by hougs »

Hello Rudi,
Thank you for your thoughts.

Actually, I want to see the entries. At our place, people come and go, and it is sort of necessary to have a tab on those with access to the network (password protected, of course).

However, the full picture came this morning, after reinstalling the program.
Now I only need to ask the kind lady not to announce newcomers to the network - a nice and kind voice, that is rather disturbing when I am in a train of thoughts :snore:


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

hougs wrote:Now I only need to ask the kind lady not to announce newcomers to the network
That can be disabled under the settings...
Glad you came right.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Somehow I missed the update, but note that the extremely popular file search application called: EVERYTHING has been updated and is also now in 64-bit version.
Update changes listed below.

Download here:
Quick tutorial: How to use it
Many thanks David Carpenter for an excellent tool. It is integral in my daily computing and I rely on it heavily!!! :thankyou:

Wednesday, 6 August 2014: Version
-- added MIT license
-- added installer localization
-- added run as admin option
-- added wildcards anywhere option
-- added run date column/sort/search
-- added support for accessible MSAA
-- added etp connection history
-- added recent changes
-- added run history
-- added home page
-- added x64 build
-- added always ontop option
-- added %APPDATA% option
-- added Everything service option
-- added search history option
-- added the option to cancel locked queries after one second
-- added context menu customization
-- added tooltips for hidden items
-- added option to not compress database
-- added custom filters
-- added hotkey option to toggle search window
-- added filelists
-- added folder indexing
-- added optional diacritical mark matching
-- added bookmarks
-- added new search functions and macros
-- improved performance when renaming/deleting folders
-- improved ETP/FTP server
-- improved HTTP server
-- fixed many bugs

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Having recommended this app recently, I thought it an excellent app to add to this thread...

yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button. yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X.

Download yEd

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

Another good screen capturer...

I'm constantly on the lookout for screen capturing software as it is such an integral part of my job. Though Screenpresso is still my app of choice, I did come across an interesting open source capturer that seems very customisable and spec orientated. Since it lacks the ability to change out the image editor (and persists in using the editor connected to Greenshot Capturer...which does not have speech bubbles and item numbering) I am remaining with Screenpresso. It came close to becoming my new capturer of choice though. If you use screen capturers and have not settled on a favourite yet, I can recommend experimenting with this one: ShareX

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by dasadler »

Rudi - how does 'EVERYTHING' compare to Copernic Desktop Search?

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by Rudi »

dasadler, it will not be fair for me to compare the two as I have not used Copernic Desktop Search. I recall trying the free version years ago and the search criteria and the interface did not gel with me back I have never tried it again...though I'm sure over time it has been improved and simplified. I have just never turned back after discovering Everything. It is the quickest and easiest file search tool I have come across and never needed anything my searched dried up for something better.


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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by jonwallace »

dasadler wrote:Rudi - how does 'EVERYTHING' compare to Copernic Desktop Search?
This page probably answers your question.
The thing that stops me using EVERYTHING is that it doesn't index inside files, Copernic (which I used up until the free version wouldn't index network drives) and my current fave, Exalead Desktop Search, index and search by content (of supported filetypes)

If you are thinking about Exalead, then be aware that is no longer developed or available from, it is available, but as always be careful of dodgy sites.

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Re: Best FREE Software (Used and Rated by Loungers)

Post by dasadler »

Thanks for the info. A couple of years ago I purchased the Copernic Desktop Search Pro for a few reasons:

1) I was using the program at least 50-100 times per day and felt it was time for me to pay for it and assuage my guilt.
2) The Pro version would index my Outlook Notes and so on.

It was inexpensive and I still use it constantly - being able to search within files and Outlook Notes is invaluable to me.