Windows 8 and IE 10 update

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Windows 8 and IE 10 update

Post by viking33 »

For any of those who have the Windows Developers Preview installed, with Win 8 and IE 10, there is a update available that extends the time period eligibility for a few more months.
It's KB2671501 and you can get via the Win8 update link within the OS.
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Re: Windows 8 and IE 10 update

Post by HansV »

I have moved this thread from the Windows General forum to the Beta Software forum because it's about two pieces of software that haven't been officially released yet.
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Re: Windows 8 and IE 10 update

Post by DaveA »

Remember that Microsoft is going to release their "Consumer" version this Wednesday. So those that are willing to join the early testing bunch, keep an eye out.

Just remember to do a new "Image" of your system before install this Windows 8 Consumer OS.

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