I know, a couple of MHz is enough for most people; plenty of time to fetch a cup of tea, check the zucchinis* and read a book during boot up; and that's the irony with (possibly) passing a test for the next OS.
But I'm actually trying to fail the test for Win11.
Clutching at straws, but I need an excuse to resist everyone urging me to upgrade ...
Most of my hair had already fallen out by the time I learned that mousse is spelled with two esses
Just a note about Windows 11 development. With the September 2nd release, Windows 11 development split. One branch is the October 5th release branch which is receiving pretty much just fixes at this point. To stay in this branch you need to be in the BETA channel or switch to the BETA channel before receiving build 22449. The other is the development branch which receives the newest features from the developers. It is important to remember that features in this branch may or may not ever be generally released. This branch also may be less stable than BETA. To switch from this development branch requires a clean install.
With the latest releases, both BETA and DEV channel, the following is a significant change for those running in a VM:
"This build includes a change that aligns the enforcement of the Windows 11 system requirements on Virtual Machines (VMs) to be the same as it is for physical PCs. Previously created VMs running Insider Preview builds may not update to the latest preview builds. In Hyper-V, VMs need to be created as a Generation 2 VM. Running Windows 11 in VMs in other virtualization products from vendors such as VMware and Oracle will continue to work as long as the hardware requirements are met. For more details on the Windows 11 system requirements – see this blog post here."