Inodes limit on a server

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Inodes limit on a server

Post by Sam1085 »


I'm using Apache (linux based) server to host my websites and my customer's websites.

Few hosting details as follows:
- Disk space: 80GB
- Monthly Bandwidth: 800GB

I just asking a question twice from my hosting partners. Question is "Is there any inodes limit (File count) on your server?" They responded me back "No, you can use maximum 80GB in your plan".

But I'm asking the same thing more than 10 web hosting companies. They have a maximum inodes limit on their server.

01. I need to know could be set unlimited inodes limit on a linux server.
02. Inodes limit related with Linux based servers only?

Appreciate if anyone can help me to solve this matter. Thanks!

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Re: Inodes limit on a server

Post by HansV »

I don't know anything about this subject, so I apologize in advance if the following link isn't relevant:

From another hosting company: Understanding Linux Inode basics. It shows a method to view the inode limits.
Best wishes,

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Re: Inodes limit on a server

Post by Sam1085 »

Thank you Hans for quick reply,

Actually my hosting service provider is Inmotion Hosting. They provide really good services.

In above article mentioned increase the number of inodes on the server. So, I think no need to worry about this limitation anymore...

In previously I hosted my sites in Hostgator shared and 1&1 vps servers. They limited inodes count. That's why I choose Inmotion hosting to host my sites.

Thanks and have a great weekend all!