how to block

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Dave Davison
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how to block

Post by Dave Davison »

Despite having categorized emails from a printer ink company as JUNK numerous times it still prersists in getting into my IN box, what else can I do to block their annoying reminders of the "good deals" they have on offer please? :scratch: Dave.

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Re: how to block

Post by HansV »

You could create a rule to move all mail with a word such as "ink" or "cartridge" to your junk mail folder.
Then check from time to time if a legitimate mail was moved to junk.
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Re: how to block

Post by DaveA »

Have you tried blocking the ""?
I am so far behind, I think I am First :evilgrin:
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Dave Davison
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Re: how to block

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks guys, since sending my question I have been probing about & came across the options you mentioned Hans (ie) defining 365ink as unwanted & -touch wood- to date have seen nothing more from the said firm. Previously I had simply highlighted the incoming email and designated it as Junk but it was obviously not enough so will see what happens in the longer term. Cheers Dave.