Shortcuts for letters in Word do not transfer to Outlook

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Shortcuts for letters in Word do not transfer to Outlook

Post by jmt356 »

I have set up keyboard shortcut in Word to create a macron above certain vowels (ā, ī, ū). However, when I type this shortcut in Outlook, I end up with accents over my vowels (á, í, ú). Do I need to program separate shortcuts in Outlook?


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Re: Shortcuts for letters in Word do not transfer to Outlook

Post by HansV »

Yes, although Outlook uses Word as email editor, it has its own version of the default template: NormalEmail.dotm instead of Normal.dotm (both are stored in %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates).

One option would be to rename the existing NormalEmail.dotm to (for example) NormalEmail.old, and to create a copy of your Normal.dotm template and to rename the copy to NormalEmail.dotm.
Outlook should then have the same keyboard shortcuts as Word.

Another option is to create an email message, and to click Symbol > More Symbols... on the Insert tab of the ribbon. The Symbol dialog has a Shortcut Key... button.
Best wishes,