Group use Outlook (Exchange server 2003)

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Group use Outlook (Exchange server 2003)

Post by steveh »

Afternoon all

At work we have several operational groups who all share a common email address, for example 5 members of Customer Services all receive the same email. We have a situation whereby some people are blaming other people for not reponding or actioning requests etc.

Is there any way in that I can perhaps add a column to the inbox so that I can enforce a rule of initails being pet in so everybody in the group knows that something has been actioned. Some people use Outlook 2003 and some people use 2007.

I am afraid that my experience with email is open read, send, reply
Steve" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Group use Outlook (Exchange server 2003)

Post by HansV »

Although it's possible to add a custom field (column), it'd be a lot of work to make it possible for people to actually fill it in.

Perhaps people could assign a category to a message when they process it. It's easy to display categories in the Inbox. Each user could have his/her own category.
Best wishes,

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Re: Group use Outlook (Exchange server 2003)

Post by steveh »

Thanks Hans

I will look through the help files now I know what to look for
Steve" onclick=";return false;
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin