how to stop loud ad on website while using Explorer

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how to stop loud ad on website while using Explorer

Post by capri »


There is a website that I like to visit, however lately there have been these loud ads on the site. I haven't clicked on the ad, but it appears on almost every page that I search. It has a small screen and shows some sort of fish cartoon. I've tried clicking on the X in the corner but it will not close. Is there any way to change my setting or something to stop this noise? I find useful information on the site, but the ads are so annoying that I'm considering not using the site any longer. Generally at home I listen to a CD while surfing and the noise is so loud it drowns out the CD.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: how to stop loud ad on website while using Explorer

Post by HansV »

You could install an ad blocker such as Simple Adblock.

Or if you can find out the URL of the ad (perhaps by hovering the mouse pointer over it, or by right-clicking it), you could add it to your HOSTS file. See Block websites with Windows Hosts file.
Best wishes,

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Re: how to stop loud ad on website while using Explorer

Post by capri »

Thanks Hans,

I've downloaded the Adblock and will give it a try. If that doesn't do the trick then I will try your other suggestion.
