Toggling Toolbar macros

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Toggling Toolbar macros

Post by ChrisGreaves »

I had occasion to toggle buttons as specific tasks were performed. In this case I am harvesting contact-management text from a document.
Once the user has used the macro "GetSurn" to harvest the Surnname, I want to toggle the macro button OFF.
When a fresh record is started, I want to reset all the buttons to ON.

Code: Select all

Function HighlightButton(strToolbar As String, Optional strCaption, Optional blnSet)
    Application.CustomizationContext = ThisDocument
    Dim lngCB As Long
    For lngCB = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count
        Dim cb As CommandBar
        Set cb = Application.CommandBars(lngCB)
        If cb.Name = strToolbar Then
            Dim lngCtl As Long
            For lngCtl = 1 To cb.Controls.Count
                Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
                Set ctl = cb.Controls(lngCtl)
                If IsMissing(strCaption) Then
                    If IsMissing(blnSet) Then
                        ctl.Enabled = Not ctl.Enabled
                        ctl.Enabled = blnSet
                    End If
                If Right(ctl.Caption, Len(strCaption)) = strCaption Then
                        If IsMissing(blnSet) Then
                            ctl.Enabled = Not ctl.Enabled
                            ctl.Enabled = blnSet
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            Next lngCtl
        End If
    Next lngCB
'Sub TESTHighlightButton()
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn", True)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn")
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn", True)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn", False)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn")
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", , True)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", , False)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare", "GetSurn", True)
'    Call HighlightButton("Snare")
'End Sub
End Function
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