Themes and pivot table colors

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Themes and pivot table colors

Post by cshenoy »

I created a new theme with the set of colors I need. However, when I make a pivot table it's using a colors that aren't in the theme. They aren't the standard colors either. I also used the Design tab in the Pivot Table Tools menu to make a new Pivot table style. Unfortunately, it doesn't "stick;" I have to remake the style in every new workbook, even when I specify it as the default.

I've attached an example. I created the style I'd like to use, but didn't apply it.

My question - Where is the pivot table coming up with its colors? Can I change the default?

In Excel 2003, you could change the standard colors. I don't see how to do that in 2007.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Themes and pivot table colors

Post by rory »

In the Pivot table styles list,right-click your custom one and choose Set Default.
It will only apply to this workbook, but you could set it up in a template workbook and use that for all new workbooks.

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Re: Themes and pivot table colors

Post by cshenoy »

Of course! Thanks so much. Any clue where the odd colors are coming from? They change when you change the theme. Very strange.

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Re: Themes and pivot table colors

Post by rory »

It appears to use whatever the Accent1 cell style is set to.