Help with Formula

D Willett
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Help with Formula

Post by D Willett »

The following formula needs to check another variable:


If E3 > C41 then E3 = C41 else E3 = E3
As an example, E3 has a value of £12, but if E3 exceeds £16 then the maximum we can allow is £16

Does this make sense ?

Cheers ...


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Re: Help with Formula

Post by HansV »

Is the formula that you posted in E3? If so:

Best wishes,

D Willett
Posts: 1728
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Re: Help with Formula

Post by D Willett »

Morning Hans, thank you for the solution. It was easier in the end to create another tab and re-create the same formula and just point it to look elsewhere, same result.
Again, many thanks.
Cheers ...
