Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

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Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

Post by RonH »

Microsoft has apparently removed these January Office 2010 patches which they say can give problems:

Update for Microsoft Excel 2010 (KB4461627)
Updates for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB4032217) (KB4032225) (KB4461616)
They say if you experience issues then they should be removed. I use Office 2010, these have been installed but as yet I have not had any difficulties.
CYa Ron
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Re: Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

Post by HansV »

The problems with these updates had to do with a change to the Japanese calendar. I assume that won't affect you, so if you don't experience problems, I'd leave it as it is.
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Re: Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

Post by RonH »


:grin: :grin:
CYa Ron
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Re: Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

Post by HansV »

Best wishes,

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Re: Office 2010 Problem Microsoft Updates

Post by RonH »

Your score 10 out of 10. :fanfare:

Wonderful stuff this translation assistant ... came in very handy when we visited Japan during 2017.
Cheers Ron
CYa Ron
W11 pc, Android toys.
The only reason we have the 4th dimension of Time is so that everything does not happen at once.