Perhaps the Archive bit is not set on the source drive Y:
Code: Select all
Y:\>attrib -s -h -r +a *.* /s /d
Access denied - Y:\System Volume Information
The message "Unable to change Attribute" appears from the ROBOCOPY command run. The CMD ATTRIB fails with an "Access denied" Windows message. So from Windows Explorer I go to inspect and set the Attribute bit for a specific file "46.DOT"
I check ON the checkbox and choose OK ... ... And Win7 falls back on the tried and trusted message "An error occurred".
Perhaps my USB HDD is failing. I have had it for, I'd say, 15 years, running it once a night. Once a night doesn't sound like a lot, but presumably I am "touching" every sector of the file structure, through and through, every night. Maybe that counts as wear and tear.
And before you suggest it, I assure you that in all this time I have dropped it twice or thrice; perhaps more.
I have a spare, new SDD external that I can use, but then I suspect that the problem on the old Y: drive (HDD) will mean a failure to copy some files to my new nightly backup (SDD).
I'd like to know of a more powerful way to interrogate and set Attribute bits, or perhaps to fix all problems in a file and directory table - probably a 3rd-party application.
Thanks, Chris