Advanced search returns only one of many results

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Advanced search returns only one of many results

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Advanced Search isn't behaving the way I expected it to.
My goal is to locate all posts by PJ in the Solar Eclipse topic.
Search term is for the topic title, copied from the first post in the topic.
Author copied from the first post in the topic.
All forums (only one is used, Scuttlebut)
Search Within Topic Titles only (because I want posts from only the specified topic)
Display Results as Posts Is where my understanding breaks down. I expected to receive a dozen or so posts in the results, specifically posts from the thread "Solar Eclipse 2024" where the post author was "PJ_in_FL"
But I receive instead only "1 match"

Question 1: Where did i go wrong in my understanding of Advanced Search?
Question 2: How would one go about locating all posts by an author in a single topic/thread?
Thanks, Chris :scratch:
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by HansV »

That's because you search in the topic title, i.e. the title of the first post in the thread.
You should select "Post subjects and message text" instead.

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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by ChrisGreaves »

HansV wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 17:22
That's because you search in the topic title, i.e. the title of the first post in the thread.
You should select "Post subjects and message text" instead.
:bingo: Thank You Hans.
I now have ten matches.
I had thought that "Search Within Topic Tiles only" forced AdvSearch to match the keywords "Solar Eclipse 2024" ONLY in the title of posts.

Before making a new post I usually Search In Topic Titles and Report Topic Titles only to see if the problem is addressed in an existing topic.
If not, then I might cast a wider net to Search In Post Subjects And Message Text and still report Topic Titles only to see if the problem is addressed tangentially in an existing topic. (in which case I might learn something by studying those posts.
Then, if the number of hits is more than one page, that's my clue to add more keywords to reduce the number of hits.
Finally I switch from Report Topic Titles to Display results as Posts, and start reading.

I suspect that part of my problem is phpBB terminology; you and I have discussed this before. (3+ years ago?)

I still think of a topic as a thread, and then there are subjects (which have titles)

In my original example "search within topic titles only" seems to be implemented as "examine only the first post in any thread"
Is that close?

Thanks again, Chris
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by HansV »

phpBB3 uses the term Topic for what we usually call a thread: an initial post plus all its replies.
The topic title is the title of the thread as a whole - the caption / subject of the initial post. This is what you see when you look at a forum or at the Lounge portal.
By default, the caption / subject of the replies is Re: topic title
But when you compose a reply, you can edit that, so the captions / subjects of the posts (replies) in a thread can be different.
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Solar Kippers Change Transparency in Blackpool

Post by ChrisGreaves »

HansV wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 18:06
phpBB3 uses the term Topic for what we usually call a thread: an initial post plus all its replies.
The topic title is the title of the thread as a whole - the caption / subject of the initial post. This is what you see when you look at a forum or at the Lounge portal.
By default, the caption / subject of the replies is Re: topic title
But when you compose a reply, you can edit that, so the captions / subjects of the posts (replies) in a thread can be different.
OK. I shall try to use Topic; and Topic Title which is the subject line of the first post in the topic.

I have previously changed titles partway through a topic.
So searching for "Post subjects and ..." would find some of my posts (where I have used a different subject for my reply).
In this response, I have probably royally messed up some poor lounger who has not yet been born!

Evilly yours, Chris
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by HansV »

Try the kippers from Craster...
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Re: Solar Kippers Change Transparency in Blackpool

Post by ChrisGreaves »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 20:07
In this response, I have probably royally messed up some poor lounger who has not yet been born!
Then I spotted my typo in the first post; changed my subject line and Behold and Lo! the Topic title is changed. :evilgrin:
This is turning out to be a Good Day after all.
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by ChrisGreaves »

HansV wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 20:11
Try the kippers from Craster...
Brings back memories; haven't had them since May 1955!
Cheers, Chris :yum:
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many results

Post by DocAElstein »

For that sort of Search, Chris, I find this works good. ( I use it a lot to find my own stuff )

_1 Click anywhere on a person’s name, _2 select search users posts
search from person s name 1 2.JPG

_3 Type top left what you want, _4 hit the magnifying glass
search from person s name 3 4.JPG

I expect that uses an advanced search similar to the one you were using. One thing different is that is for all sub forums, but in the practice for typical things searched that probably would not affect results much

( The built in searching in vBulletin is often very bad, more often than not it does not seem to work as it should. I don’t have enough experience with phpBB to compare. How I use it in that way I described works well for me so far.
( Never the less , just now, on and off, I am organising and making my own system – In word a 2 column list of URL link on the left against a word or two on the right, - sometimes a word might not even be in the linked thing, - just the way my brain remembers sometimes by a certain word, might be something totally non related I did at the same time, Lol. I suppose if I had learnt at the start all about Tags and all other forum things better to start with, then it might have been a different story. Still making that list, on and off, brings back sometimes a memory or two from the time, and sometimes that seem to puts the things more in context somehow
The list is only in approximate date order.- I might duplicate a few rows, having them in different places to give the List order a strange Human not too logical structure that I feel comfortable with. Finally a simple search using words in built Search on a highlighted wod of the stuff works good enough for me) )

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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many resulots

Post by ChrisGreaves »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 22:34
HansV wrote:
20 Mar 2024, 20:11
Try the kippers from Craster...
Brings back memories; haven't had them since May 1955!
Cheers, Chris :yum:
Let's see now ...
(1) Because Hans replied to a post with my original - mis-spelled - Topic Title (first post Subject), Hans's Subject inherited the mis-spelled Topic Title.
(2) Because Alan replied to a post with my corrected Topic Title, Alan's Subject obtained the well-spelled Topic Title.
(3) So once a Topic Title is changed, post Subjects in existing replies are not changed, but user's will populate the remainder of the topic with subjects that, without any editing of Subject on their part, bear differing Subjects according to which specific post they used as a basis for their reply..
I shall think about this!
Cheers, Chris
First thought: Were Hans to go back and edit this post to have the corrected Subject, then that reply would fall into line, but all other posts created in response to Hans's post in its initial state will retain the mis-spelled Subject text.C
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many axolotls

Post by HansV »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 12:09
First thought: Were Hans to go back and edit this post to have the corrected Subject, then that reply would fall into line, but all other posts created in response to Hans's post in its initial state will retain the mis-spelled Subject text.
That is correct. Editing the subject of a topic or reply does not affect already existing posts in the same thread.
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many results

Post by ChrisGreaves »

DocAElstein wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 08:04
For that sort of Search, Chris, I find this works good.
Thank you Alan.
Yes, this appears to deliver the same results as my Advanced Search. I say "appears" because I saw "10 results". [[[ PJ can, of course, screw up these tests at any time :laugh: :rofl: ]]]

You comment on "subforms" is correct in a specific way.
In this post in this topic, I mentioned that I often have several attempts in Advanced Search before I end up with a manageable number of hits. I achieve this by using the Back button in the browser to return to the Advanced search page and tweaking my constraints one by one.
That is a telling advantage for Advanced Search.
Cheers, Chris
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the title of the last post

Post by DocAElstein »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 12:09
…..I shall think about this!...
Hi there,
One very minor additionally thing to Hans explanation to what title you see,
.. (…. The topic title is the title of the thread as a whole - the caption / subject of the initial post. This is what you see when you look at a ** forum or at the Lounge portal…… )
... for your re thinking’s to your data base on Modifying the topic title (i.e. the subject line) ……

There is a ** Board Index list as well as the Portal and **(Sub)Forum list.

If you look at the Board Index , you will see the title of the last post.
the title of the last post.JPG


**P.S. There is some scope for confusion, based on what you think a Forum is. Some might call something like Eileen’s Lounge a Forum. Some call something like the Board Index, a Forum list, or a sub Forum list.
The smallest denominator thing, like the Lounge Matters we are writing in could perhaps be regarded as a Sub Sub Forum, or a Sub Forum, or a Forum.
Having wrote this, I am confusing myself again.
Where possible I think I will refer to things by a linked name like Lounge Matters . In fact I will go now and do something I was meaning to get around to for a while: Write a WORD VBA macro which when I highlight a text and run it, it will add URL BB code tags, either with no URL in it, or, if it recognises the text in a list it has, it will put the appropriate link in. You will see if I don’t later as I will post in the Word place asking for help,

Ref ... 16#p305216
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many axolotls

Post by Graeme »

HansV wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 12:13
ChrisGreaves wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 12:09
First thought: Were Hans to go back and edit this post to have the corrected Subject, then that reply would fall into line, but all other posts created in response to Hans's post in its initial state will retain the mis-spelled Subject text.
That is correct. Editing the subject of a topic or reply does not affect already existing posts in the same thread.

Although subsequent posts with a corrected Topic title use the new Topic title, from that point on.


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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many results

Post by DocAElstein »

Not necessarily disagreeing, just saying, clarifying

Reply to a post, (using the small square quote button ), then the default title is the title of that post, which most likely will have a Re: at the start unless the post author had edited it away. (That post title is that at the time of your reply. The final post title in your reply will stay there for eternity unless you or an Admin changes it) .

Reply to the Thread ( Post Reply Button somewhere near top left if you scroll up, or somewhere near bottom left ), or the Submit Button in Quick Reply , then the default title is a Re: coupled with the title of the first post, which is also the title of the Thread ( topic ), (That Thread (Topic) title with the extra Re: , uses the Thread ( Topic ) title which is that at the time of your reply. The final post title in your reply will stay there for eternity unless you or an Admin changes it ) .
Last edited by DocAElstein on 05 Apr 2024, 08:28, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Advanced search returns only one of many results

Post by PJ_in_FL »

ChrisGreaves wrote:
21 Mar 2024, 12:41
.... [[[ PJ can, of course, screw up these tests at any time :laugh: :rofl: ]]]
I'll certainly do my best, although I think Mother Nature is conspiring to screw up results for everyone in Texas. :sad:

However, it appears Canada will have excellent viewing. I'm looking forward to your photos, Chris. Living vicariously is still living.
PJ in (usually sunny) FL