Having login problems after the forums update?

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Having login problems after the forums update?

Post by HansV »

Our forum software was updated on the 4th of May, 2020. Users have reported problems with logging in - they get a message that "The submitted form was invalid".

To solve this problem, try the following, step by step. You can stop when you successfully log in.
  1. Click the 'Delete cookies' link near the bottom of the Lounge page. You may see an error message. If not, quit and restart the browser, then try to log in.
  2. Delete Eileen's Lounge cookies from your browser. See Clear Cookies for One Specific Site. Quit and restart your browser, then try to log in.
  3. Delete ALL cookies from your browser. Quit and restart your browser, then try to log in.
  4. Clear your entire browser history. Quit and restart your browser, then try to log in.
  5. Use a different browser.
If you have a bookmark/favorite set to our Portal, make sure that it uses the correct URL. The URL of the Portal is now https://eileenslounge.com/app.php/portal

If you still have problems, feel free to contact the admins at admin@eileenslounge.com
Best wishes,