I tried other web pages and repeated the task but the same thing occurred, no send anything under File > Send.
How do I fix this?

May I suggest? In the IE9 menu click File and in the dropdown menu check that `Work Offline' is not ticked. If it is ticked then untick it.Gloria E wrote:Using iE9, I wanted to send a webpage. Clicking Send page by e-mail and Send Link by e-mail are grayed out. The only thing usable was the Send Shortcut to Desktop
The option was available yesterday, I know because I used it. Is there a fix for this problem?DaveA wrote:Many email programs and protection programs, have been known to block the use of Send Page.
I have since day one just copied and pasted the url into the body of a email and never had it fail.
Work Offline is not checked. Any more suggestions?MalcolmWalker wrote:May I suggest? In the IE9 menu click File and in the dropdown menu check that `Work Offline' is not ticked. If it is ticked then untick it.Gloria E wrote:Using iE9, I wanted to send a webpage. Clicking Send page by e-mail and Send Link by e-mail are grayed out. The only thing usable was the Send Shortcut to Desktop
I'm using Windows Live Mail 2011. It's the only e-mail client I've used since day one on this computer.HansV wrote:Which e-mail client is set as your default e-mail program at the moment?
Yesterday I decided to try Microsoft's Fix It program. I'm glad I did because Send Page by e-mail and Send link by e-mail is now available in IE 9. The Fix the problem number used was Microsoft Fixit 50157.HansV wrote:In Windows, click the Start button, then Default Programs.
If you don't see this option, click Control Panel.
If you show Control Panel in Category view, click Programs, then Default Programs.
If you show Control Panel in Small Icons or Large Icons view, click Default Programs.
Next, click 'Set program access and computer defaults'.
Click to expand Custom.
Under 'Choose a default e-mail program', select Windows Live Mail, and make sure that the check box 'Enable access to this program' to the right of it is ticked.
Click OK.