Pin anything as a tile to the startmenu?

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Pin anything as a tile to the startmenu?

Post by Cah »

In Windows 8.1 I made various shortcuts from the "GodMode" folder and was able to pin them to the start menu. Windows 10 isn't giving me the option to pin these shortcuts. Does anyone know how to fix this. Thanks.

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Re: Pin anything as a tile to the startmenu?

Post by Cah »

I found a hack here that is working for me:

1. Make a shortcut.
2. Paste it to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
3. Log out and back in.
4. Open All-Apps and locate the new shortcut.
5. Right-click and select pin to start.

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Re: Pin anything as a tile to the startmenu?

Post by HansV »

Thanks for sharing the solution...
Best wishes,