Cannot Connect to Network

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Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

I bought a refurbished HP core i3 PC to connect to my smart TV. On installation it performs what I think are BIOS setup functions. It first asks for country then asks for keyboard layout country. I’m able to choose US for each screen. It then presents a screen for choosing a Wi-Fi network. The screen displays both of my networks defined by the T-Mobile cellular Internet access device. I use the keyboard arrow keys to select my network of choice then tick the box that says to connect to it automatically in future which causes a CONNECT button to become highlighted; however, pressing enter has no effect. Pressing enter worked for the language choices.

I tried cycling power on everything including the cellular access device, aka modem/router, to no avail. I got the same results after power cycling. The tv connects via HDMI. It has multiple HDMI ports so I disconnected all but the one connected to the PC. Since I can see the setup screens I’ve inferred that connection functions properly. Because the system responded to keyboard choices I’ve inferred that too is working correctly. I was prepared to enter the network password but that option doesn’t come up.

IIRC the system comes with Windows 11 but I cannot be certain of that as I cannot get beyond setup options.

Any suggestion as to what else I might try? The T-Mobile device only connects wirelessly; there are no ports on it
Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by stuck »

Surely when you get to the point where the CONNECT button is highlighted and you click on it, it should prompt you to enter the password on your wifi network? Without that password, it will fail to connect.


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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

Correct, Ken. The problem is that the PC does not respond to clicking on the CONNECT button. In fact, it shows no response whatever.
Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by stuck »

When the CONNECT button appears, is there a TaskBar visible? If so is there a wifi icon in the SysTray, at the right hand end? If so, are there any options in there to let you enter the password?

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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

Alas, no. There is a suggestion to link to a Microsoft wage page if one cannot connect; however I am yet to make sense of any of the suggestions there that help me overcome the problem.
Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

I am informed by a correspondent on another forum that I mistook what is a Windows 11 setup sequence for a BIOS setup sequence. Unfortunately, I got nothing further toward resolving the problem. I report the information here in case it might tweak someone's memory.
Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

Here's photo taken with my iPhone of the screen where I get stopped.
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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by Leif »

Can you deselect "Connect automatically" and take it from there?

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Re: Cannot Connect to Network

Post by BobH »

Yes, I tried that without success.

Thanks, Leif.
Bob's yer Uncle
Dell Intel Core i5 Laptop, 3570K,1.60 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 11 64-bit, LibreOffice,and other bits and bobs