I'm afraid this is just a basic networking information question.
When I click on Network in File Manager on my desktop PC, why don't all the devices connected to my home network show up?
There are two tablets, two phones, a TV and two E-Readers all using the network, but when I open File Manager | Network all I see listed is the computer and the router.
You will only see devices that have shared resources that could be accessed by another computer. Even then they may not show as this stuff is notoriously unreliable.
If you want to see all the devices on your network(s) your router should tell you that information. I access mine using my (Firefox) browser and the IP address Yours may have a different IP address. The firmware in your router should have an option to view all devices on your network.
Bob's yer Uncle
Dell Intel Core i5 Laptop, 3570K,1.60 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 11 64-bit, LibreOffice,and other bits and bobs
Thanks, Bob. I can indeed see all the devices using your method but it's not what I wanted. I wanted to be able to drag items from the PC on to my
E-Reader, but it's not possible. Could do it if the device had Bluetooth, but I have to junk and buy version 2 in order to get that facility. So it's back to using a USB cable connection.
Thanks for the heads up
And thanks again to Stuart.
I don't think this is a possible solution. The PC already has Bluetooth but the E-Reader only has a USB charging slot - that's the asymmetric plug that came before USB C. All the adaptors I've Googled have a retangular end like the wireless dongle I've got in the PC for the keyboard.
But thanks for the thought.