Copy Documents to Ext HD

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Copy Documents to Ext HD

Post by RonH »

I know that if images are copied into an existing ext hd image folder you are notified if that image file already exists.
Does the same apply to eg Documents ... assuming no changes have been made to specific files since the last copy. But is it best to make a fresh copy of Documents since I guess that any change in the document since the last saving will result in a new additional file ... hence ending up with multiple copies of a file?
CYa Ron
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Re: Copy Documents to Ext HD

Post by HansV »

When you copy files from one location to another, Windows checks whether the identical filename already occurs in the destination folder. If so, it will display a prompt whether or not to overwrite the file.
This applies to ALL types of files.
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Re: Copy Documents to Ext HD

Post by RonH »

Useful to know ... I should have tested and/or realised that a file is a file is a file. So its not file content, only file identity making it easier to do monthly copying.
Thanks Hans
CYa Ron
W11 pc, Android toys.
The only reason we have the 4th dimension of Time is so that everything does not happen at once.