2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

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Michael Abrams
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2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by Michael Abrams »

Windows XP

IE8 recently downloaded.

Internet is running extremely slow since "upgrading" to IE8 (from IE6) - when I go to Task Manager - under the Applications tab, it shows one instance of Windows Explorer - but when I click on the Processes tab, it shows 2 instances of iexplore.exe .

I know you will need more info, but is there something specific I should be looking at in order to assist fixng this? Registery, etc ?

I have run AV, Ad Aware, Spy Bot and MalwareBytes - no threats or viruses.

Sound familiar to you?


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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by HansV »

This is normal behavior, nothing to worry about. Internet Explorer starts multiple processor "threads" which are displayed as separate processes in Task Manager. When you open more tabs, you'll see more iexplore.exe processes.
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Michael Abrams
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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by Michael Abrams »

Thanks Hans.

I will look elsewhere at why my home Internet has slowed down to a crawl.

Thank you !!


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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by HansV »

Is Internet Explorer slow in general, or just in starting up?
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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by Michael Abrams »

Takes about 3-4 minutes to start up.
Usually starts up frozen - I double click off to the side and first it says not responding for about a minute, then finally gets going.
In addition, if I leave the Internet "on", unattended for about 30 minutes or more, it takes about 2 minutes to 'get going" again.

I also ran one of those "free" MyCleanPC" type analysis and it came up with over 800 "registry" errors in addition to a bunch of other "bad stuff" ( I am not sure if these analysis are legit, or if they just want to sell their product). They wanted $29.99 to clean it up, but I wanted to wait to ask around about these types of tools.

Thanks Hans for asking !


** I've been told that this may be because my PC (Dell) is over 5 years old.**

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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by HansV »

Some security programs (SpywareBlaster and Spybot Search & Destroy are the ones I know of) block malicious sites by adding thousands of entries to the Hosts file or to the list of restricted websites; this causes a considerable delay when Internet Explorer 8 starts up. If you use one of these programs, you could see if disabling their protection temporarily makes a difference.
The slowness could also be caused by an add-on; you can view add-ons and turn them on/off in the Programs tab of Tools | Internet Options... (click Manage Add-ons...)

Have you tried another browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to see if they are faster?
Best wishes,

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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by Michael Abrams »

I will try all of your suggestions and also download Chrome (I've heard decent stuff about it).

I'll report back by the end of this week.

Thank you Hans !

Last edited by Michael Abrams on 13 Apr 2010, 20:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by DaveA »

Be aware that if you install Chrome and then uninstall it it removes the settings for using links within Word, Outlook and seceral other programs. So, I would try one of the others first.
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Michael Abrams
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Re: 2 Instances of iexplore.exe in "Processes"

Post by Michael Abrams »

Believe it or not, I don't use Word or Outlook at home !

I will try Chrome first, and if it doesn't speed things up, I will try Firefox.

After that, probably just get a new computer !!
