internet explorer freeze

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internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

I normally use firefox, but have IE installed on my winxp-pro (fully patched) for the times when some window update or function says I have to be running IE to do something.

I tried to use IE last night and IE locked up on the Connecting screen. It was almost impossible to shut down - got the screen saying program not responding. I could not kill the process from that screen and had to close IE from the task bar.

I could not figure out how to even check the version I was running.

I have rebooted several times and get the same result. This morning I went to Windows update and installed everything they suggested - still IE just hangs.

Is there a way to just download a fresh copy of IE and install it? I checked my last Belarc run and could not find any way to ID what version of IE is on the system.

I think best approach is to uninstall IE - if that is possible, and then download and install a fresh version of IE. I'm not sure what to ask for in the windows download stuff to get a new version of IE.

This probably is not doing a very good job of describing what I need - I think I need a fresh copy of IE and am not sure what to ask for on the ms update site.


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by StuartR »

Which version of Windows are you running?
Do you use Microsoft Update to keep patches up to date?

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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by viking33 »

tomyrush wrote:I normally use firefox, but have IE installed on my winxp-pro (fully patched) for the times when some window update or function says I have to be running IE to do something.

I tried to use IE last night and IE locked up on the Connecting screen. It was almost impossible to shut down - got the screen saying program not responding. I could not kill the process from that screen and had to close IE from the task bar.

I could not figure out how to even check the version I was running.

I have rebooted several times and get the same result. This morning I went to Windows update and installed everything they suggested - still IE just hangs.

Is there a way to just download a fresh copy of IE and install it? I checked my last Belarc run and could not find any way to ID what version of IE is on the system.

I think best approach is to uninstall IE - if that is possible, and then download and install a fresh version of IE. I'm not sure what to ask for in the windows download stuff to get a new version of IE.

This probably is not doing a very good job of describing what I need - I think I need a fresh copy of IE and am not sure what to ask for on the ms update site.

If your system is fully patched, you probably have IE8 installed. ( assuming it's XP )
Go to Control Panel>Add\Remove Programs. When the list populates, you can scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer "x", where it will show you what version is installed. From here you can Remove IE and it will offer to revert back to the prior version of IE. let it do so. When it's done, reboot and see if that has fixed your problem. You can then go to this link to download a fresh copy of IE8 to install. ... fault.aspx" onclick=";return false;

HTH. :crossfingers:
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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

I am running xp-sp3 with all fixes applied.

I went to ctl panel and did the uninstall, rebooted, used the link you provided to get a new copy - seemed to install ok, but when I tried to install the updates (clicked on option to install updates) the site re downloaded base IE8 and went thru the install process again - then it told me to reboot and start IE8 then use tools button to install updates.

I rebooted again and tried to start IE8 -
it got to the connecting screen and died - message box saying program not responding and asked if I wanted to report to microsoft - i reported the problem and then the cancel button worked to kill ie8

One other thing I forgot to mention earlier - I got a message saying last invocation of ie8 had a problem and gave me two choices - revert to last invocation or start fresh. Because of the last few invocations - it had always hung I replied start fresh, I am going to try again and change my response and see what happens - same response

Any other ideas?


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

IE8 does not appear to have initialized anything when it hangs on the "Connecting" page. Where would I check to see if it is using the right connection to the internet - since it seems to hang at that point?

I did an IPconfig/all and the first dns entry is Is there some way I could have screwed this up?

in IE8's program file is an entry clrTour.inf - as follows

; Register the DefaultInstall.ResetTour to run for each user

HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "IsInstalled", %REG_DWORD_CLOBBER%, 1
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "Version", %REG_SZ_CLOBBER%, "8,0,6001,18702"
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "ComponentID", %REG_SZ_CLOBBER%, "ResetTour"
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "Dontask", %REG_DWORD_CLOBBER%, 2
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "locale", %REG_SZ_CLOBBER%, "*"
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "",%REG_SZ_CLOBBER%,"IE Tour Reset Stub"
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%MYGUID%", "StubPath", %REG_SZ_CLOBBER%, "%11%\rundll32.exe %11%\advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx "%16422%\Internet Explorer\clrtour.inf",DefaultInstall.ResetTour,,12

CopyTourResetFiles.IE.Files = 16422, "Internet Explorer"


; write the registry keys to skip the tour

HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main","IE8TourShown",%REG_DWORD_CLOBBER%,1
HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main","IE8TourShownTime",%REG_BIN_CLOBBER%,88,c8,bd,6b,a7,05,cd,01


REG_DWORD_CLOBBER = "0x00010001"
REG_BIN_CLOBBER = "0x00000001"
REG_SZ_CLOBBER = "0x00000000"


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

I just tested "Chrome" and it has no problems. Likewise, "Firefox" has no problems

Suspect bad setting somewhere in IE8


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by Samantha »

Tom, if Chrome works, you might want to download the IE Tab Classic extension to use whenever you run into one of those pages that insists on using only Explorer. I haven't had to load IE once since adding that extension to Chrome.

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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by viking33 »

That first entry should be your modem\router address, that i would assume is OK if you can get online with other browsers.
Remove IE and it will offer to revert back to the prior version of IE. let it do so. When it's done, reboot and see if that has fixed your problem
Did you try the revert back to the prior version and did you see if that worked OK?
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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »


Thank you - I will try that because that is the only reason I have IE on my system.

I will go back thru the uninstall / reinstall process and see if I get that option. I don't remember getting that option earlier.
I will repost the results but Samantha's solution will probably solve my problem


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

Itried again - same result
ms error message box had this:

It's hard to determine exactly what causes Internet Explorer to stop responding, but it's usually due to one of the following reasons:

* Spyware, adware, or other malicious software. If you have downloaded free software from the Internet, you might have inadvertently downloaded spyware with it. Spyware is software that can display advertisements (such as pop-up ads), collect information about you, or change settings on your computer, usually without your permission.
* Internet Explorer add-ons: Add-ons are software that add features or tools (an Internet toolbar for example) to Internet Explorer.
* Computer viruses: If your computer has a virus, the virus can cause Internet Explorer to stop responding.
I am running MS Security essentials every morning at 1 am - nothing has been detected, since I very seldom use IE, I don't have any add-ons or extra toolbars

if you think of anything else, I will try it - meanwhile I'm going to install the Chrome "IE Tab classic extension" mentioned by Samantha.


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

When IE hangs there is basically a blank screen with a border on it and a tab on the border.

Is there any way I can find whatever add - ons have been set up to see what might be hanging it up?

Is there a registry entry - or a special file I can look at?


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by viking33 »

tomyrush wrote:When IE hangs there is basically a blank screen with a border on it and a tab on the border.

Is there any way I can find whatever add - ons have been set up to see what might be hanging it up?

Is there a registry entry - or a special file I can look at?

While in IE, go to drop down, Tools>Manage Add Ons to see what add ons have been installed. You ca also enable\disable them selectively.
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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by HansV »

tomyrush wrote:Is there any way I can find whatever add - ons have been set up to see what might be hanging it up?
You can look at the Internet Options control panel.
Activate the Programs tab.
Click Manage Add-ons.
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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by tomyrush »

Thanks Hans
I went thru and disabled all of the addons that were listed as installed from approx october 2009 until now. No difference in result - found some I have no idea what they are - 4 or 5 from Move Network - when you ask for more info it says active x ctls


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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by viking33 »

HansV wrote:
tomyrush wrote:Is there any way I can find whatever add - ons have been set up to see what might be hanging it up?
You can look at the Internet Options control panel.
Activate the Programs tab.
Click Manage Add-ons.
Same place I sent him, different path?
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Re: internet explorer freeze

Post by HansV »

viking33 wrote:Same place I sent him, different path?
Indeed, Bob, but the control panel should work even if you can't open Internet Explorer anymore.
Best wishes,