I am picking from a combobox which takes the list index to use in a Selct Case. That selection determines what is stuck in a cell. There are 11 choices in the combobox. That choice goes to this Select Case:
Code: Select all
Select Case ComboBox2.ListIndex 'condition of vinyl DOWN THE ROAD IF FORMAT IS NOT VINYL I SHOULD NOT HAVE THESE CHOICES???
Case 0
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "M"
Case 1
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "NM"
Case 2
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "VG+"
Case 3
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "E"
Case 4
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "VG"
Case 5
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "G"
Case 6
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "G+"
Case 7
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "G-"
Case 8
Range("f" & intRowNo) = "P"
Case 9
Range("f" + intRowNo) = "F"
Case 10
Range("f" + intRowNo) = "S"
End Select
As you can see, the Case determines what is stuck in the Row intRowNo Column F.
Everything works just spiffy if I choose Case 0 through 8. If I choose 9 or 10 I get the "Type Mismatch". Any idea why the last two choices are disliked by VBA?