Hi Lisa,
I know nothing about that stuff
I expect the area of ADODB and SQL or related stuff is likely to be a better option for things related to lists and getting things from them. ( Someone over at VBForums has been trying stear me towards ADODB and SQL away from some of the Index one liner things…)
But I know nothing about that stuff: Its another thing on my list of things to get around to learning about..
We aren’t really looping anything anymore, at least for the main coding. We got past that problem.
The only thing thing I was still looping, was the simple macro for getting the single row list of Characters. But that was just something to be done once to get the “help” worksheet.
Code: Select all
Sub ASCIIW() ' make a simple ChrW column list row
Dim Cnt
For Cnt = 1 To 1000
Cells(1, Cnt) = ChrW(Cnt)
End Sub
I think I must have been careless the first time, as on second glance, it works quite easily. ….it did not seem to work when I first tried … I must have previuopusly made an error or two….
This simple macro can be used instead to get the ASCII list…..
Code: Select all
Sub EvaluateRowOfChrASCII() ' http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=276830#p276830
ActiveSheet.Range("A3:IU3").Value = Evaluate("=If({1},Char(Column(A:IU)))") ' IU is column number 255
End Sub