Cannot group objects, only ReGroup

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Cannot group objects, only ReGroup

Post by ErikJan »

I have some PPT objects I grouped. Now I want to add an element and then make a new group.
So I ungroup first, add the new element, select all objects incl. the new object and then I want to choose "Group".
But no... there's only "Regroup" and that will re-group the original elements but leave the new one out.

What am I missing here? I want PPT to forget I ever made a group out of these elements!

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Re: Cannot group objects, only ReGroup

Post by HansV »

I cannot reproduce the problem. When I follow exactly the same steps, both Group and Regroup are available from the Group dropdown on the Format tab of the ribbon.
Best wishes,

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Re: Cannot group objects, only ReGroup

Post by StuartR »

Is the new one a different type of object, can you post the slide that has the problem?

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Re: Cannot group objects, only ReGroup

Post by ErikJan »

Hmm... Can't reproduce this if I do this from scratch. Also seems that PlaceHolders (for e.g. text) can't be grouped...Let me try to play around a bit more