How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

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Peter Kinross
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How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Peter Kinross »

I have no idea how apple have been so successful, they make easy stuff so darned difficult.
In my Windows PC, to play a .smil file, I simply double click it, up comes my default player and it starts playing. Not so with my iPad. For a start there is no way to see the file apart from Drop Box. But DB has no provision for opening or even passing a .smil file to any apple apps that I have.
Any ideas?
Avagr8day, regards, Peter

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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Rudi »

I was not able to find anything close to a solution for this. I could be wrong and someone might come forward with a great idea to do this, but for the searching I did the closest to a definitive answer i got was this (even though it refers to iPhone and MMS):
StackOverflow wrote:Apple is a great engineering company but has completely crippled MMS. At WWDC I asked one of the iPhone Engineers why MMS was not standards compliant he said "MMS was only included to satisfy sending photos to and from other handsets - that works so we have met the objective". When I pointed out that they were not standards compliant because they didn't support SMIL he responded with "users have much better facilities on the iPhone to handle multi media".

So there you have it. SMIL won't work. Apple don't care.

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Peter Kinross
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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Peter Kinross »

Thanks anyway Rudi. Weird isn't it?
Have no idea what smil has to do with MMS, but there you go.
Beats me why apple are so popular. Too darn hard to make their products work.
Avagr8day, regards, Peter

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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by jonwallace »

Maybe this link ... 0&tstart=0" onclick=";return false; will help?

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Peter Kinross
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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Peter Kinross »

Thanks Jon.
Too much mucking around and sounds like it won't work anyway.
That article gave me the idea of downloading Real Player onto my iPad, as this is what my PC uses. But not available with good old apple.
Just helps to get my bewilderment of apple more firmly entrenched.
Avagr8day, regards, Peter

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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Fluffyone »

For Mac OS, you can open SMIL files using Apple QuickTime Player. If you want to view the file contents, you can use Apple Text Edit to view the SMIL language.

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Peter Kinross
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Re: How do I open a .smil file in my iPad

Post by Peter Kinross »

Thanks Fluff.
It was so long ago, I can't recall what those .smil were for.
But I did try everything that apple had, all to no effect.
From memory I think I recall that quicktime is no longer available - could be wrong and haven't checked.
B T W what do they call it when the Fluffyone fluffs? :) Or is that why the Fluffyone is so called?
Avagr8day, regards, Peter