The procedure entry point "EnumCalendarInfoExEx" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"
Happy new year everybody. I have just finished unwrapping my Xmas present from Microsoft. It took me a couple of days. ….
_...Despite having automatic updates disabled, occasionally a massive amount of updates still come down unexpectedly. It does not happen very often. I think theoretically it should never happen. But it does. It did….
I thought I might post this as a follow up to this," onclick=";return false; , since the issue is very similar. But then I thought a new Thread title might help others on a Google search for help with this latest version of the problem, since the error message is slightly different….._
_..... The procedure entry point "EnumCalendarInfoExEx" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"
So one of my XP machines got the present.
I do have an extensive library of known “good and bad” Updates, and coding to sort through and compare them etc.. That usually helps identify the culprits quite quickly. This time it only saw the old favourites that Microsoft like to send to cripple Active X controls, but never the less, this time my XP was crippled by the issues discussed in this and that other Thread, (" onclick=";return false; )
I did identify some new updates that I had not seen before, but de installing them did not solve the problem , at least initially. After a lot of painstaking manual de installing and re installing updates I sorted the problem out…
Strange Crazy happenings:….
It was very strange this time. By removing temporarily recent updates, I noticed that other updates suddenly appeared in the update list They were not visible before. After removing some of those , the XP problem was solved. Furthermore, I could re install most of the updates which I had originally removed temporarily, and still the XP problem does not return
Just to explain that again: In order to find the killer updates, you may first have to de install some non offending updates. Only then do the killer updates show up, so that you can de install them. (A few other harmless updates may also suddenly appear). Then you can put those others which were temporarily removed , back, if you like.
So finally below is the current list, with the recent ones at the bottom
If you don’t find those,
you find some, de install them,
and still have the problem,
then ….. try de installing a few other recent updates and then look at your update list again . If you then see any of the bad updates , then de install them. If that cures the problem then you may be able to re install some of the others you de installed temporarily without getting the problem.
In actual fact in my recent case, following the procedure that I have described, I now have most of the updates that were showing after the unwanted Xmas present, and in addition I now have a a few more, but I no longer have the problem, because I have de installed some of the bad updates, which were initially not showing after the unwanted present originally came.
It is a Crazy situation! ( A similar crazy situation was also reported by others, for example ... 05#p249126" onclick=";return false; . It is the first time that I have experienced it.)
Current XP Killer List
KB4461522 ( no longer available )
KB4461614 ( available , but not been offered for some time )
KB4462157 ( available , but not been offered for some time. ( Originally this was introduced to solve the problem. It never did. Quite the opposite: If you have the problem, then installing this update has no effect; but if you do not have the problem , and you instal this update, it causes the problem, just as all the other “killers do !!. ) )
KB4462174 ( available, and until recently, was still offered )
KB4464566 Probably the most recent killer, originally from around September 2019
The last two in particular , may be hidden , and you may need to go through the steps I described to find them. ( Unfortunately I still have not figured out how to automate messing around with Office updates in XP ( I can do it with most everything else ). So you will need a few days to unwrap your present if you get one… )
Wishing you all a happy new year, and may all your updates be good ones..
(P.s. Microsoft have locked some Threads on this, making it difficult to update people on the problem. But a few new Threads have also been started)
Ref: ... roprevious" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... um=outlook" onclick=";return false;
Locked Threads: ... 031&page=6" onclick=";return false; ... 739&page=4" onclick=";return false; ... 0c3?page=1" onclick=";return false; ... f17e82fb3d" onclick=";return false;
WMI Query XP.xls :" onclick=";return false;